Mission is simple...
feed the pengs
Pengu Foods: a collection of 10,000 DN404-enabled NFTs that can be cooked/burned into fractionalized tokens to nourish every penguin in the Pengu ecosystem.

Here's how it will work

Our lil chef has been hard at work sorting and wrapping all the pengu treats...

all the basics... krill, sardines, squid...

do your research... pengs are also know to eat rocks... believed to be a way to dive deeper and hunt the more rare pengu foods delicacies... so, there will be rocks... and there will also be some rare delicacies...

don't miss another chance to get involved in the penguin scene...

Meet the Fam

he's the boss...
Lil Chef
cheffy... how many times do I have to tell you?  we don't cook a thing around here... fresh fish bro...
frequent flyer at pengu foods (as you can see)  we have just the thing to put on that croissant...